Fun Ways To Replicate Family Photos From Years Ago

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Looking Your Best For Family Pictures

When it comes right down to it, you might be staring at those simple family photos for a long time. If you really want to make your pictures pop, it is important to take the time to prepare for your photoshoot. As a parent, my wife and I have spent years trying to figure out how to make picture day less stressful. I want to share these tidbits with you, which is why we have decided to put up this blog. Check out this website to learn how to get your kids ready the night before, how to smile perfectly for those shots, and how to get the best deal on your session.


Fun Ways To Replicate Family Photos From Years Ago

9 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you're a photographer who wants to specialize in family portraits, there are lots of avenues that you can explore. One idea is to replicate family photos from years in the past. This involves having your client provide a family photo that may have been taken 10 or more years ago — perhaps when the children, who are now grown, were just infants.

You can then carefully assess this photo and do your best to replicate it in a new shot. Often, the result can be very funny, but it can also be heartwarming to the family and to those who view the image. Here are some considerations for replicating such an image. 

Get The Right Clothing

Where clothing is concerned, there's a good chance that your photo subjects either don't have the clothing that they wore in the original shot or no longer fit into it. This is only a minor obstacle, but you'll have to emphasize the importance of replacing these items with appropriate alternatives. Something such as blue jeans can be easy enough to replicate, and you'll find that this may be the case for other types of apparel, too. The closer you can get in terms of clothing, the more connection your photo will have with the old one. 

Choose A Suitable Backdrop

Similarly, the exact backdrop from the first photo may not be available to you. This may be the case if the family has moved or if the photo was taken in a different city. There are a few ways to mimic the original backdrop. If it's something generic such as a forested area, you can scout out a suitable venue in your area. If you have a green screen, you might even think about setting up your photo subjects in front of the screen and then using photo-editing software to place an appropriate image — perhaps one that you found online — behind them. 

Set Up The Correct Poses

Putting your subjects into poses that mimic the original photo can be a lot of fun and can really give your photo shoot a light and laugh-filled feeling. This can especially be the case if the children were young in the original but are teenagers or older now. For example, if the father was holding his young daughter in his arms, everyone will have a laugh as she once again climbs up onto him and you arrange both subjects into similar body positions.

Contact a company like AJ GOREHAM PHOTOGRAPHY for more information and assistance.