How To Start Your Own Photography Business

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Looking Your Best For Family Pictures

When it comes right down to it, you might be staring at those simple family photos for a long time. If you really want to make your pictures pop, it is important to take the time to prepare for your photoshoot. As a parent, my wife and I have spent years trying to figure out how to make picture day less stressful. I want to share these tidbits with you, which is why we have decided to put up this blog. Check out this website to learn how to get your kids ready the night before, how to smile perfectly for those shots, and how to get the best deal on your session.


How To Start Your Own Photography Business

10 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Having photography as a hobby can be very rewarding. However, when friends and family see that you have a true talent, it may be time to turn your hobby into a business. Photography offers a great way to make money and share your art with the world. If you're wishing to start a photography business, either full- or part-time, here are just a few things to consider first.

Purchase The Right Equipment

Maybe you're just working with the camera on your smartphone, or you have an older camera that you've been taking pictures with. To get a decent clientele base and to be able to compete with other area photographers, you'll need good equipment. Look for these key settings when you go to purchase:

  • ISO- A camera's sensitivity to light and overall brightness and crispness of the photo. A higher ISO means a sharper and clearer picture.
  • Aperture- The measuring of the opening of your camera's lens. Choosing a lower aperture will likely result in a sharper focus on main objects.
  • Shutter Speed- A camera that offers higher shutter speeds results in less blurring if objects are in motion when you snap a shot.
  • Higher Megapixels- For enlarging shots without sacrificing picture quality.
  • Lens- Choosing a wide lens allows for a long zoom range. Look for one that auto corrects distortion.

Spend some time trying out cameras with different combinations before you make a significant purchase.

Invest In Quality Props

As a photographer, it's important to have various props. Whether you're doing a newborn shot or a wedding, setting the mood in the photograph is essential. Props help promote a theme and give your client a way to balance a theme throughout each shot. Some examples of props you may want to collect include:

  • Vintage chairs and furniture
  • Umbrellas
  • Pillows and blankets
  • Lights
  • Toys
  • Banners
  • Birdcages
  • Chalkboard frames

The sky's the limit with props. Choose props that highlight your overall style as a photographer, and try to accumulate a variety of props so that you'll be able to diversify your client base.

Educate Yourself

Photography education can be part of a creative design degree or you can take individual classes to help gain more knowledge. Find a local community college or organization that offers classes or photography tips so that you can learn how to use your camera properly and how to take pictures in different environments.

Promote And Network

You'll need to promote your business. The best way is through word-of-mouth advertising by networking through your friends and client-base. You can also set up a social media account to showcase your work and allow others to see how well you utilize your photo editing skills.

There are many components to starting a photography business. Choosing the right camera is the first step in making sure it's a success!

For more tips and tricks to starting a photography business, ask another photographer from a company like Moorman Photographics about how they got their company started.