Have You Always Been Camera Shy? 3 Tips To Get That Perfect Corporate Headshot

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Looking Your Best For Family Pictures

When it comes right down to it, you might be staring at those simple family photos for a long time. If you really want to make your pictures pop, it is important to take the time to prepare for your photoshoot. As a parent, my wife and I have spent years trying to figure out how to make picture day less stressful. I want to share these tidbits with you, which is why we have decided to put up this blog. Check out this website to learn how to get your kids ready the night before, how to smile perfectly for those shots, and how to get the best deal on your session.


Have You Always Been Camera Shy? 3 Tips To Get That Perfect Corporate Headshot

11 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

In today's world that is filled with selfies and social media posts, you may feel funny admitting that you don't love taking photos. However, many people are camera shy, and photographers are well aware of how this can affect your professional headshot. As you prepare for your upcoming photo shoot, use these tips to overcome any awkwardness that you feel on the big day so that you achieve that crisp professional image.

Stick to Your Normal Style

When you are nervous, you may be tempted to overdo it with your clothing, hair or makeup. However, the primary purpose of corporate headshots is to establish professionalism and build rapport with potential clients. Remember that your headshot may be the first time a potential client gets a glimpse of your face, and making sure that it matches how you really look helps them to feel an instant sense of connection when you meet in person. While you may add a touch of lip gloss if you rarely wear makeup or put on a tie, any changes that you make to your appearance should be minimal. Feeling like yourself will also help you to feel more comfortable in front of the camera.

Communicate With the Photographer

Your corporate photographer is there to make you look good. However, they don't know how you look and act from day to day. Let them know if you have a preferred side of your face or if you rarely show your teeth when you smile. You can also let them know what type of image you want the photograph to project. Whether you want to look powerful or compassionate, sharing these details gives the photographer a few ideas of how to make you look amazing.

Bring a Friend Along for the Shoot

Smiles are one of the most noticeable features in any photograph, and being nervous may cause you to flash fake ones. Consider having a friend or colleague sit in on the shoot. While they will need to stay out of the line of the camera, sharing a quick joke between shots can help you relax and smile naturally. Your friend can also provide further input such as mentioning how you never wear your glasses a certain way to help you achieve a more authentic photo

When you are not a photo person, the realization that its time for a headshot may feel you with dread. By knowing how to work with your photographer and prepare for the shoot, you can ease your jitters and look forward to seeing the final image.