Tips For Selecting Music For Your Next Video Production Project

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Tips For Selecting Music For Your Next Video Production Project

16 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Are you planning on working with a video production studio to help create your next video? If so, one element that the video needs to have is music. The music used in most videos is actually stock music which needs to be found rather than made from scratch, which makes music a practical and affordable thing to include in your videos. Here are some tips for selecting music for your next video production project that you should be aware of. 

Decide On A Budget

The first thing you need to do is decide on how much you want to spend on stock music. There is music that can work for practically any budget, but you will typically get what you pay for. Thankfully, you don't need to spend thousands of dollars to have a music piece scored by a composer since there is plenty of stock music out there that could work for both large and small budgets

Find A Reference Track

You may not be able to afford that track you've heard on the radio from your favorite band, but that does not mean you cannot use it for inspiration. If you like a particular track, give it to the editor to put into the video and see how it feels. That track can be used as inspiration to find something that can be licensed. The video production studio may find things that stand out in the track, such as the tempo or instrumentation, and see if they can find something similar.

Give Specific Feedback

The chances of finding the perfect music track on the first try is low, which is why you want to give specific feedback about what you like and do not like about any proposed music tracks. Letting the video production studio know that you prefer something at a different tempo or genre can be a big help. Don't like a certain instrument in the track? It is possible that the instrument can be removed by requesting the individual instrument stems from the stock music library.

Search By Album Or Composer

Have a track that is close, but not quite doing it? Try looking into what other tracks the composer has made, or if there is an album with similar tracks that you can audition as part of the video. This is the best way to find more tracks that are in the same vein when you are looking for stock music.