4 Ways Real Estate Aerial Photography Can Help Sell Faster

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4 Ways Real Estate Aerial Photography Can Help Sell Faster

17 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Real estate aerial photography is the latest trend in real estate property listings. It has become a great tool for showcasing real estate listings because of its distinct advantages over traditional flat images. Real estate aerial photography offers higher exposure to your real estate images, which helps increase buyer traffic to detailed real estate listings. How can you use this to sell your property faster?

1. Show location

Real estate aerial photographs show where the property is located within its neighborhood. You are also able to rotate real estate aerial photographs in any direction. It helps a prospective real estate buyer see what streets, buildings, and other landmarks are near the property. In addition, the photography shows routes to get to your property from different approaches.

2. Show the neighborhood

Traditional listing photos are flat images of the real estate listing, showing only one angle. In contrast, real estate aerial photography shows multiple angles surrounding the property. It helps show the property images in a whole new way. 

Aerial photography has the real property listing viewed at a bird's-eye view, making property listings appear more dramatic than flat photos. Real estate aerial photography also shows surrounding homes around the area. Real estate aerial photography creates a wider scope. The buyer can see how the property listings fit into the neighborhood and community.

3. Show size and scale

Real estate aerial photos of the property listings offer buyers a bird's-eye view of the property, accurately showing real estate property sizes. Also, real estate aerial photographs are saved in high resolution compared to traditional flat real estate property listing photos. It allows for better viewing on any screen.  

4. Tell a story

What sentiment does a viewer feel when they see your real estate listings? People love good stories. Your photography helps tell a story about the property. For example, talk about building a garden shed to grow your vegetables better. They can see the shed and your beautiful garden. Aerial photography helps bring your stories to life. 

You are able to tell a story about the neighborhood as well. The wider scope enabled by aerial photography shows shopping centers, schools, and other vital amenities that buyers care about. It helps your buyers assess the suitability of your property. 

Would you like to see your real estate properties sell faster? Talk to a professional photographer about your real estate aerial photography ideas.